Studio Calendar
The Studio offers lessons from mid-September to the beginning of June with various breaks throughout the year to accommodate holidays and local school schedules.
If you have any questions about the dates listed, please email the Studio at We’d be happy to chat!
Dates are subject to change but will be announced to enrolled students via email and on the Studio’s social media accounts.
September 17th - 19th
The Studio’s first week of lessons begins on Tuesday, September 17th
First Week of Lessons
October 14th
Thanksgiving - Studio Closed
The Studio will be closed for the long weekend.
November 11th
Remembrance Day - Studio Closed
The Studio will be closed for the long weekend.
Dec 23rd - Jan 5th
Winter Break - Studio Closed
The Studio will be closed for two weeks for winter holiday break.
January 6th
Lessons Resume
The Studio will reopen and restart lessons beginning on January 6th.
February 8th
Studio Winter Recital
This date is tentative and subject to change. Exact details will be announced closer to the date.
February 17th
Family Day - Studio Closed
The Studio will be closed for the long weekend.
March 31st - April 4th
The Studio will be closed for the Spring Break from March 31st - April 4th.
Spring Break - Studio Closed
May 19th
The Studio will be closed for the long weekend.
Victoria Day - Studio Closed
May 31st (tentative)
This date is tentative and subject to change. Exact details will be announced closer to the date.
Year End Recital
June 2nd - 5th
The Studio’s final week of lessons before closing for the summer.